Data Privacy

Data Privacy

Is the extension safe to use? What data does the extension collect?

Yes, our extension is safe to use. We take your privacy and security very seriously. Below is an explanation of the permissions requested by the extension and why they are needed:

  • tabs:

    • This permission allows the extension to access your browser tabs. It is used to manage and interact with the tabs to provide you with enhanced functionality, such as modifying content on specific websites or integrating with other services.
  • storage:

    • This permission allows the extension to store settings and preferences locally on your device. It ensures that your configuration and data persist between sessions.
  • host_permissions:

    • This permission restricts the extension's access to specific websites. In this case, the extension can only interact with pages on*. This is necessary for the extension to provide its functionality specifically on YouTube, such as adding features or improving usability on that site.

We do not collect any personal data without your consent, and the extension operates within the boundaries of these permissions to ensure a secure and efficient user experience. If you have any further questions or concerns about the extension's permissions or data usage, please feel free to contact our support team at

Does this extension collect personally identifiable information?

Yes, we collect your email address to gather feedback and enhance our product by adding new features and updates based on your suggestions. Rest assured, we do not sell your email address to third parties.

How does this extension handle website content access?

Our extension checks the URLs of your open tabs to identify YouTube video pages. When a YouTube video URL is detected, it fetches the video transcripts to create video summaries or notes, which is the main function of this extension. We do not use or sell any of your browsing data to third parties.